Psoriasis on the legs — causes and treatment

The disease manifests itself in all parts of the body, and beat not only the skin but also nails, and joints.

The main Symptom of the pathology to appear in certain areas of the skin lesions of varying size. You can the diameter of a pea, and can reach sizes of eggs. Spots in the normally white scales covered, which is easily remedied, but if you try to clean the affected area of the skin, desquamation reinforced. In this article we consider one of the types of psoriasis, namely, psoriasis on the leg. What are the types, causes and ways of treatment of below are to be considered.

The main causes of the disease


Not selectable the exact causes of the disease are not, as previously, the doctors and scientists managed to find a reliable answer to the causes of the origin of the disease. Clinical trials are underway, nor a decade, but the disease is not so complex that its origin is to explain possible. There are a number of assumptions, which are described below. To so, the triggering factors of Psoriasis:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • Violation of the metabolic processes in the body;
  • Functional disorders of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • some infectious diseases;
  • dry and cold climate;
  • Injury and friction of the skin;
  • the effect of chemical agents on the skin, and more.

The disease has several forms, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms. Next, the types of skin rashes to consider, which are observed in humans and how psoriasis looks on the legs.

Spotted (normal)

This is one of the most common forms of the disease. More than 80% of all patients have exactly this kind of pathology.

Psoriasis psoriasis, the formation of numerous red spots, rashes spread quickly on the legs. Papules are usually small in size, with a diameter of form about 2-3 cm, but if you merge left untreated, they each other, extensive lesions. Rashes accompanied by intense discomfort and itching, if you try to remove the shed, or injuries to stains, bleeding frequently observed. Psoriasis on the knees the most common in this Form.


This type is also widely used, but not as strong as the previous one. For him, the typical drop-shaped or petechial rash of red or bright scarlet color. They do not protrude above the surface of the skin to 1-2 mm, and strongly itching.

Often the triggering factor of this Form of the disease, the transfer of the patients to infections of the respiratory tract. This Form can appear on the knees and other parts of the feet.

Pustular (exudative)

This type is less common, is much harder. The treatment takes a lot of time and requires a comprehensive approach. Characterized by the type of rashes in the Form of pustules, with a transparent or purulent filling. Often appears on the soles of the feet and calves. The patient's skin is hot to bleed, often. The treatment of Psoriasis on the feet in this way rarely gives instant results. Here cases characterized by frequent return.

Inverse Psoriasis


Here, pink spots, no flaking accompanied appear smooth. In some cases, exfoliation of the Dermis, however, observed, but a weak or moderate. Also contributes to Psoriasis-Sync rashes has skin that do not protrude above the surface of the. Place of localization of this type of disease, thighs (inner side). Patients legs often as this type of pathology of the Psoriasis on the upper.


Here are the psoriasis of the nails and the skin around them. Typical symptoms is a change in the color, shape of the nail plate. With the progression of the disease nail below peels off from the body of the finger, thereby unsightly scars and severe malformations.

Eritrodermicheskii Views

A Form of the disease, to treat the very difficult. Symptoms of the disease is very extensive and accompanied by a severe and painful lesions of the skin. The human skin is highly inflamed and as a scrub. All of this leads to pain, severe swelling, itching,. Lymph nodes of the patients is enlarged and pain.

The most Eritrodermicheskii Psoriasis is the result of an improper treatment of other, lighter forms. But sometimes, pathology and self-employed.

Psoriatic Arthritis

A very severe Form of Psoriasis accompanied by severe pain in the joints and muscles. The sensations of pain accompanied the strongest swelling of the tissue, the skin becomes red hue.

The treatment of Psoriasis on the legs

Based on many years of practice in the treatment of Psoriasis, it was possible to find out, the impossibility of its complete healing. All efforts directed on elimination of symptoms, the ceilings, restoration of the skin, but also preventive measures for long-term maintenance of Remission. So, how to treat Psoriasis on the feet?

Doctors recommend in the treatment of a serious disease using a comprehensive approach that includes drug therapy, treatment as well as the methods of physiotherapy.

In the mild stage of the disease, the most commonly used means for the local application. These Creams, Ointments, Gels. This medications such as on a hormonal Basis, and not on a hormonal Basis. To include these drugs:

  • Salicylic Acid Ointment;
  • prednizalonovaya;
  • Zinc Ointment;
  • daivonex and others.

In the case of medium-sized forms, together with the medical treatment, light therapy, laser treatment, and cryotherapy and plazmoforez used. Often a complication of a disease ointments the use of corticosteroids. These include:

  • Cortisone;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • darmoveit and others.

As a cure for you treat psoriasis on the feet? When the disease acquires the last, the most difficult Phase, the treatment is also a number of drugs. The drugs used in the combined effect. Most are hormonal agents that have a strong effect. It is also important vitamin therapy, and antihistamines drugs.

The Folk Medicine


Often people, for various reasons, in search of alternative methods of treatment, avoidance of synthetic drugs. How to cure psoriasis on the legs with the help of natural remedies, find out more.

Often cleaning the skin use herbal medicine. The combination of these herbs, such as chamomile, celandine, series, Calendula, and nettle, allow gently to relieve the itching, inflammation. Herbal teas contribute to the strengthening of the organism and a better Regeneration of the skin.

Also an effective natural product against Psoriasis, birch tar, use and jaw. On the basis of the tar ointments, lotions, is considered to be a very effective cleaning of the skin with the help of degtyarnogo soap.

Tar soap cure of psoriasis

Well this eliminates the symptoms of product of beekeeping, such as Propolis. Use it in combination with various components.

In the case of the use of the means of folk medicine, the risk of allergic reactions and complications of the disease. To avoid all of this, we recommend you discuss this type of therapy with the attending physician.