Psoriasis of the scalp

The development of the pathology vary from individual Plaques on a few, including the defeat of the entire scalp. Among other things, Psoriasis continues to be on the face, involved in the process of the skin of the forehead, on the rear surface of the neck and in the area of the ears.

Psoriasis on the head

According to statistical research, Psoriasis, approximately 5.7 million inhabitants, suffers from, and around the globe, there are about 4% of the population of this unpleasant dermatological diseases. The localization is different, but often hairy part of the head — the only part of the body, where the observed symptoms of Psoriasis (typically for more than 50% of the clinical cases).

The causes of psoriasis head

Origin and causes of Psoriasis, as with other types of diseases, up to the end not clarified. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, the debut of the pathological process system, due to the violation of the functioning of the human immune.

According to the basic theory, in the body of the patient, the car is immune process, in the course of which in the tissues of the skin, the concentration of T increases lymphocytes — cells that play an important role in the immune response. Their accumulation leads to protracted inflammatory process, with thickening of the skin and the formation of scaly formations.

For The Help! Autoimmune process is a phenomenon in which the immune system causes damage to the body, it protects but does not.

Incorrect operation of the immunity caused by a number of triggers does not directly cause the disease, but a specific value. Background-causes of Psoriasis of the scalp the following:

  • Heredity plays an important role in the development of the pathological process: it is assumed that the risk of the debut of Psoriasis has greatly increased in the presence of the disease, at least in the case of a close relative. Is not accepted this statement by all professionals and is still under discussion.
  • Stress. Emotional experiences a malfunction of the immune system, the distribution in a more severe course of Psoriasis, or, in his debut may increase.
  • The use of drugs. It is believed that some medicines impact on the development of the process; in particular, the side-effect effect of indomethacin reported. The drug is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs) and recommended in the treatment of Arthritis. In addition, the data on the provocation of pathology, hinidine, considered in cardiology to be, such as anti-arrhythmic.
  • Other factors that lead to the development of pathology in predisposed persons: keloids damages, injuries of various kinds, Angina, and other.

Diagnosis of Psoriasis

The decision of a Person, the medical not often depends on the severity of symptoms: some patients, of its pathology, or simply consider it to be necessary, its time for the stay in health facilities, in particular in the case of slight symptoms.

Experts persistently, please contact your skin doctor if the rash everywhere and at any time. The treatment would usually depend on the cause of skin rashes, therefore, a timely and accurate diagnosis, even if the symptoms of the pathological process weak.

In many cases, psoriasis of the scalp is diagnosed in the physical examination, exploration of the history of the disease and the life of the patient. The specialist in the diagnosis of the disease only through the study of the outbreaks. In some situations, blood and biopsy for the differential diagnosis with other skin diseases (Dermatitis, eczema, and other).

Although the recurrence of psoriasis can occur regularly, usually as a pathology is serious — it is important to follow medical advice and timely treatment that is necessary to apply.

Symptoms and first signs of psoriasis on the head

Symptoms of psoriasis

The psoriasis often has a soft and almost imperceptible. Signs of psoriasis-head individually, but because some patients develop a severe Progression of the disease, including the formation of ulcers, and a long current of disease. Intense itching, sleep disturbance, and coarse scratches caused lead to infection of the skin and hair loss.

How does psoriasis head? Slight degree of the disease is different forms of less distinctive appearance: it was barely visible dot-shaped skin rashes, practically, the patient had no complaints.

Moderate and severe, includes any of the following symptoms and signs of the disease:

  • Rocky, uneven patches of red-purple hue.
  • A Dry Scalp.
  • Appears flaky, much like dandruff.
  • Unbearable Itching.
  • Burning and pain in the area of the lesions.
  • The bleeding occurs from scratches or removal of dandruff.
  • Temporary Hair Loss.

If the Patient has a history of a psoriasis on the head and some of the symptoms mentioned above, this serves as an occasion for re-treatment to a skin doctor.

Please note! Even Psoriasis does not lead to hair loss, and cause intense scratching, coupled with Stress. Hair growth after cleaning the skin.

Phase currents of the Psoriasis

The pathological process is spontaneous and wavy, such as completing several phases of the disease:

  1. The Phase of the Progression. Watched the debut of the disease or relapse. Occurs in the Form of the emergence of new lesions on the skin that merge together to form a wider involvement of the skin in the pathological process. On the psoriatic elements of the rash, desquamation observed.
  2. The Phase of conservation. This step implies the safety of the process, but new lesions were not observed. At this time, "jaded", the growth of the Plaques and is not celebrated all around the rim, dermal elements. This Phase is usually used as an indicator for successful coordinated treatment.
  3. The Phase of the return to education. Manifested decrease of the lesions and determines the effectiveness of the therapy. This stage is characteristic the appearance of the rim Voronov is the fold of skin around the Psoriasis patch. At the same time, scrub gently disappears, and in place of the Plaques white spots can form.

Methods of treatment of Psoriasis of the scalp

Psoriasis Treatment

How to treat Psoriasis on the head? The first line of defense is a therapy that directly affects the layers of the skin: medicated Shampoos, creams, gels, oils, ointments and Soaps.

Under the OTC drug the office of FDA Food and drug Administration (FDA), which have the greatest popularity approved:

  • On the Basis of salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is anti-inflammatory, to effectively remove the outer layer and flaky softening of the skin. Disadvantage is local irritant effect, and loosening of the hair, leading to hair breakage.
  • Coal tar. The effect is based on slowing down the growth of skin cells and allows you to resume a normal appearance. Also resin reduces itching and inflammatory process.

In some cases, in the case of psoriasis on the head treatment method is the injection of steroidal anti-inflammatory inhibitors in pathological areas of the skin. Often, this therapy is currently with a mild course of the disease.

In dealing with Psoriasis of the scalp phototherapy, in which they are used lasers and other light sources helps. For example, the Excimer Laser focuses high intensity radiation on the affected areas; your fall on the should avoid healthy skin. Ultraviolet radiation is used for the treatment of all the skin of the head. In the case of the short haircut is recommended that you simply go to radiation for a short period of time under natural sun.

Over the course of the disease and prevention

Unfortunately, causal therapy (i.e. a treatment that is not on the cause of the disease). Nevertheless, symptomatic treatment and physiotherapy treatments unwanted signs of the disease, the episodes of control, repeated, and prevent the recurrence of Psoriasis.can eliminate

The course of the disease in most cases, more advantageous, and leads to significant problems. At the same time, a long-time Psoriasis on the head with the advent of the "fresh" characters as an occasion to reversal in a medical facility.

Since at this time no scientific studies, which could prevent the cause of the disease and dysfunction of the immune system in General, that the development of Psoriasis in predisposed individuals is quite difficult. In the case of the specialists, no clear answer to the question of how to get to the psoriasis on the head. At the same time symptomatic treatment allows you to avoid the dissemination and further development of the process.

The people suffer from skin Psoriasis of the head will benefit from the defined recommendations and tips, thanks to which it is the status bar, the prevention of relapse:

  1. Please check in a timely manner to a skin doctor and get the necessary treatment. Ointments or oral medicines can not only prevent the progress of the disease, but also to improve the quality of life, reducing the rashes and itching.
  2. You treat the scalp gently: avoid vigorous washing and combing of the hair, as it can break the hair and hair loss.
  3. You avoid scratching. Scratches can provoke the development of bleeding and possibly infection.
  4. You turn to a psychologist or enroll in self-help groups, if due to the appearance of a constant mental strain of feeling.
  5. Timely fluid intake is a kind of popular method. It will not cure psoriasis, but it improves the condition and appearance of the skin.
  6. Avoid the known triggers. You will see that more likely to relapse provoked, and try not to allow these factors to your life.