How does psoriasis on various parts of the body

Psoriasis is one of the diseases, dermatological nature, difficult to treat, especially when it comes to the later stages of the pathology. For the timely diagnosis of diseases, it is important to recognise psoriasis on the stage. Quickly on the Problem, responding, and starting with the timely therapy of the disease, can prevent many of the complications of the pathology in the future.

how does the beginning stage of psoriasis

How does psoriasis in the early stages

On human skin rashes of different nature often occur. The rash may occur against the background of allergic reactions, damage to the skin, but there are certain symptoms that should be done every people's attention. These include:

  1. Development of bright red or pink spots with clear boundaries. If precipitation appeared due to the damage of the Dermis, for example, to scratches, burns, you should immediately make an appointment with a dermatologist.
  2. The spots begin to peel and itch. Such signs, in all probability statements can be made about the development of Psoriasis.
  3. Itching is not always a disease inherently, so that normal red spots on the body should be a reason to see a doctor.

For the first stages of the pathology is characterized by the formation of lesions of small diameter. If the disease is in the Form of drops of diameter of the plate is not greater than the size of the Match head. Vulgar Psoriasis is accompanied with papules, larger size. Spots reach a diameter of the coins 5 cents, rapidly progressive merge with each other.

Pay particular attention to the colour and character of the shell. In the case of psoriasis dead parts of the skin can be silvery or brownish tint. If you try to scrape off the scales increasingly in the majority of cases desquamation.

A beginning found looks like the end of psoriasis, you should this phenomenon in diseases such as Psoriasis. Triassic refers to the totality of the symptoms, the likelihood of the presence of Psoriasis in humans. To are their main manifestations 3 stages:

  1. Stearic stain the emergence of the Phase, shielded small silver or whitish scales. When removing the shell is reinforced. This phenomenon has the title because of the external similarity with stearic acid.
  2. The Terminal movie - after the removal of flaky skin, and undetectable in a smooth, thin surface, the so-called Terminal-foil. The skin is thin, easily damaged.
  3. Bloody Tau - bleeding, appears in the case of damage to the film. Mostly light bleeding, drops occur at the edges of the patch.

The first Phase of the disease lasts from a few days to several weeks. In the stage of progress of the pathology is developing rapidly, the tile increases in the amount of rashes beat all of the large plots of land.

To avoid the disease, it is important that qualified medical help in the first stages of the pathology.

How does psoriasis on the head

how does pariah on the head

Many people wonder how to psoriasis on the head? In the beginning stages of psoriasis of the head in the Form of a slight flaking on the hairline and on the scalp. With the time to peel off more, appear to be characteristic of the disease papules, which itch, and bring the patient significant discomfort. Leather skin is compressed at the points of the defeat, it hurts. The hair does not fall out, because the lesion affects only the upper layers of the Epidermis, without the hair follicles.

Psoriasis of the scalp is often due to such complication, as the accession of bacterial and fungal infections. This condition requires immediate medical treatment, since it often brings with it serious problems with health.

How does psoriasis on the body

The psoriatic rash depends on the type of the disease. Usually Plaques appear in the area of friction of the skin. These are areas such as elbows, knees, palms, feet, groin, armpits. We consider the characteristic symptoms of certain types of diseases:

  1. Teardrop psoriasis accompanied by the appearance of spots of small diameter, similar in appearance with the drops. For this type of disease is not always typical flaking and itching.
  2. Tabula - the most common type of pathology that is accompanied by the appearance of spots on the leather skin of quite a large size, the rapidly progressive and merge with each other.
  3. Pustular - a severe Form of the disease, for the entanglements, the formation of Plaques, filled with Ph. D. Prof. exudo. Pustular type requires immediate treatment, since it carries a large risk for psoriatic erythroderma.
  4. psoriatic erythroderma - a very dangerous condition that arises because of incorrect or untimely treatment from other forms of pathology. In psoriatic patches covered large areas of the skin. Often erythroderma provoked serious consequences and even lead to death.
  5. Psoriasis on the nails on the outside and a pathology symptoms are very similar to nail fungus. The nail is distorted plate, is compressed, loses its natural Shine. Often there is a loss of the nails.
how does psoriasis on the body

There are atypical forms of Psoriasis. To diagnose the symptoms of the disease very difficult and a experienced. Try not to self-Diagnose at home.

How does psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands also depend on the Form of the pathology. Most stains can occur on the palms, between the fingers. To not confuse psoriasis with other dermatological diseases, it is important, in a timely manner an appointment to a skin doctor.

How does psoriasis on the legs

The most common skin rashes on the legs show up in the Form of small papules of the feet, the knees. Platelets spread rapidly over the entire surface of the legs. The feet and the knees - this is not the only localization of the Plaques. The rash can occur anywhere.

How does psoriasis on the face

Often the disease is affects the man's face. Plaques appear on the forehead, the chin, the cheeks, the eyelids, in the area of the nasolabial fold and also the mucous membrane of the mouth.

how does psoriasis on the hands feet and face

Stains have a unique or multiple character, the shape of the Plaques is dependent on the type of pathology. Often psoriasis on the face skin is a result of the defeat of the head. Psoriasis in the face is very unpleasant, because the body is constantly in the public eye.

How does Palmar-plantar Psoriasis

Palmar-plantar Psoriasis is one of the most common forms of pathology, as the palms of the hands and soles of the feet are suitable for the continuous friction and frequent mechanical damage. Typical symptoms of this type of disease is a process in which the skin becomes coarser, the formation of your corns, Peeling. Many patients are not in a hurry to see a doctor, including such a condition of the skin normally through employment.

Complicated Palmar-plantar Psoriasis is bleeding because of the frequent damage to the Plaques, when the skin bursts, often a bacterial infection.

To prevent such complications, it is important to start the treatment of the pathology.

how does plantar Psoriasis

How does psoriasis in children

Children-psoriasis - is a very rare phenomenon. Skin rashes in children often confused with diathesis and other Dermatitis. The presence of the pathology to diagnose in a child only a qualified specialist can, since Psoriasis in children is often atypical Form.

Psoriasis in a child can occur at any age. Plaques appear in the same places as in adults, but not always, by desquamation and itching accompanied. Rarely psoriasis of the scalp occurs in children. According to the statistics of this type, the child develops after 10 years.

In order to prevent complications of the disease, you need to show your child to the doctor when even a slight rash on the body.

Psoriasis Treatment

The tactics of treatment of the disease depends on the type of pathology and its history. In the initial phase, the patients most frequently administered agent in the Form of ointments for external application. In most cases, you use the following drugs:

  • Salicylic Acid Ointment;
  • Sulfuric acid;
  • a zinc Paste;
  • Ointments on the Basis of solidol;
  • Tar-Ointment.
how does psoriasis in children

In the acute Phase of the pathology, and the defeat of the most important phases of the Dermis, the doctors prescribe medication on a hormonal Basis.

Of particular importance in the treatment of the pathology physiotherapy. The most popular methods of physiotherapy treatment include:

  1. Electric sleep.
  2. UV-irradiation.
  3. PUVA-therapy.
  4. The radiation therapy is carried out.
  5. Magnetic field therapy.
  6. The Laser Treatment.
  7. Diadynamic Therapy.
  8. Selective Therapy.

Good effect in the treatment of pathologies of mud therapy and the stay in the conditions of the sanatoriums.

Psoriasis is a serious disease, require a competent and timely treatment. Unfortunately, today is not open to methods that can completely liberate the people from the pathology. To achieve a stable Remission is the combination of a series of therapeutic measures and a healthy way of life. The consideration on the health and the fulfillment of all instructions of the doctor to keep your skin in good condition and avoid many of the negative consequences in the future.