Symptoms and first signs of Psoriasis: how to recognize psoriasis

The disease is characterized by alternating periods of exacerbation with periods of Remission. The disease as not contagious and not infectious character. In people of all ages.

Signs of psoriasis

How to start the psoriasis? The beginning of the disease is characterized by the appearance of papules. It is scaly nodules is densely pink hue, towering above the skin. We look at the first signs of psoriasis:

  • The appearance on the skin, hardly recognizable rash;
  • The individual elements begin to be covered merge in psoriatic Plaques with white scales;
  • Is a rapid spread of the lesions in a particular area of the skin.

The reasons for the emergence of

The main reason of the symptoms of the pathology is an abnormal reaction of the organism to external stimuli, whereby the upper layers of the skin die quickly in some parts of the body. In a healthy person, the cycle of division and maturation of cells is about 28 days, in patients with Psoriasis — approximately 5 days.

There are several theories for the emergence of the disease:

  • Diseases of the immune system;
  • Hereditary disease;
  • infectious diseases provoked;
  • an unbalanced diet;
  • adverse climatic conditions;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Duration of stress;
  • HIV;
  • Skin often violated.

The first signs of psoriasis for the localization

In the case of psoriasis symptoms on the body in the following localizations:

  • Hairy part of the head;
  • Elbow;
  • Knee;
  • Loin;
  • Lower leg;
  • Folds in the groin area.

Without the correct treatment of the lesion of the mucous membranes, nails, and joints can affect.

The symptoms of the disease of the scalp characterized shed by the formation of Plaques, which are covered with scales, similar. The Epidermis on the head was a large red scaly Plaques. Itching increases. Skin damage the comb of the compounding process, the promotion of the development of the disease. The elasticity of the Epidermis is reduced more in the breach. Bumps on the head scrolls active. The disease does not affect the hair itself. In the absence of the treatment of the scalp, the process can be.on the back of the neck and behind the ears

On the palms of the hands and the feet is increased, the Horny layer of the cover, coarsened, with cracks. The reason — the rapid cell division.

On the nails the disease manifests itself in two ways: the nail is covered by a small holes, signs of nail fungus are similar, the dull color of the nails changes. The nail plate begins to grow and scaly. By your identifiable different psoriatic papules, surrounded by a reddish edge, reminiscent of oil stain. Starting from the edge of the nail, the change will be promoted to the root. Under the plate, the cells of the skin to collect.

You do not own a diagnostic! To examine for an accurate diagnosis is necessary, microscopic examination of the scales, with the help of x-rays of the joints, a blood test. If severe defeat, a biopsy of the tissue.

Some patients notice that the periods of exacerbation, fall in the Winter or end of autumn, so the symptoms vary depending on stage and season:

  • The initial and progressive stages. New elements are constantly being formed, is fixed to the active growth of the existing manifestations. Significantly strong scaling, itching,.
  • Stationary. Papules will cease to grow new lesions is not manifested. On the upper layer of the Epidermis, small wrinkles appear.
  • Regressive. Peeling, tiles disappear. On-site manifestations, as well as areas with increased pigmentation remain.

Tissue, the affected pathology, are very susceptible to infections. Disease affects the nerve endings.

Symptoms of psoriasis in children

As you can notice Psoriasis in the age of the child? The first signs in children and infants are not typical. You can easily be confused with Candidiasis.

Rashes appear in places that do not fold typical of the disease: the face, the mucous membrane of the genital organs, skin. Quite often appears on the head or on sites that are frayed. Occur unexpectedly, quickly coating the body, the face and other areas. For pathology in children, long-lasting, resistant. In the infant with age-specific bleeding weak. There is an increase and hardening of the lymph nodes.

On the stationary Phase, the growth of the phenomena holds, flattened Infiltration, reduces desquamation. In the regressive stage of the elements is absorbed. The lymph nodes are soft and reduced.

Symptoms of Psoriasis in men and women

Overall, the beginning of the clinical picture is not different by gender. In an early stage, severe symptoms usually do not happen. With the development of the pathology, a slight desquamation appears, accompanied by itching and irritation. Occurs an inflammatory process, itching and irritation increased. After combing cracks, abrasions, wounds. Then, the spots are larger, thicken, the skin is rough. You will discover on different parts of the body. Papules pretty quickly with silvery scales, which increase in size, are covered in Plaques. The lesions with irregular outlines (arc-shaped or ring-shaped) form.

The men carry the disease more difficult.Symptoms of the emergence of Psoriasis in men, characterized by a heavy, so as a representative of the male sex are often the first symptoms to ignore without the disease. The disease affects the genitals. It is a very unpleasant Form of the disease, the continual discomfort and itching. Often psoriasis hits the head of the member. Redness sexual Organ is easily confused with other ailments.

In women, the signs and symptoms of Psoriasis are often occur in the period of the menstrual cycle. The first Menstruation provokes sometimes the occurrence of the disease in girls. Pathology in the area of the genitals can interfere with a woman to bring physical and psychological discomfort.

In adults, men and women, you can often pustular find Psoriasis, which is not typical for small children. There are small clustered pimples. Inflammation increases, the elements merge, forming purulent areas. Under the crust, you can see the eroded surface. Accompanied by headache, artralgiej, nausea.

Signs artropaticheskom

Psoriasis Treatment

This type of pathology affects the joints, of him more often, men suffering. The diagnosis of a serious illness. It may be asymptomatic, but in the joints irreversible changes occur.

Symptoms artropaticheskom:

  • There is pain in the joints;
  • On the hands, feet, skin rashes that itch to form;
  • The joints deform;
  • Hurt swelling, and inflammation;
  • Every morning, observed the bias of the movements;
  • Pain in the area of the spine.

The symptoms resemble the symptoms of rheumatoid Arthritis, but there are specifics:

  • Affects most of the joints between the tips of the fingers, skin with redness;
  • In addition to the toes a couple of other joints can be affected, but not at the same time;
  • Often, inflammation occurs on the big toe;
  • Pathology, accompanied by pain in the heels;
  • Involved in the process foramina joints;
  • In exacerbations of the rash on the skin;
  • The disease restricts the movement;
  • The disease may be asymptomatic.

In the case of occurrence of the above symptoms, the doctor strongly to the skin and rheumatologists.

Signs of psoriasis

This is a rare Form of pathology. The Patient has skin rash over the entire surface of the body, causing intense itching and spreads quickly.

Symptoms of psoriasis:

  • Veil on a big part in the body flushed;
  • The skin is scaly;
  • Appear Pustules, Blisters;
  • Quickens the pulse;
  • The body temperature fluctuates;
  • There is severe swelling, pain in the joints;
  • Chills, Fever.

Complications due to swelling and severe infection, which can drop in pneumonia and Sepsis, chronic heart failure. All of these complications are Psoriasis often fatal.

Prevention of diseases

To relieve complex therapy of patients with Psoriasis from further deterioration. The measures necessary for the prevention of diseases:

  • For the avoidance of injury to the nervous system is necessary to a Regime of work, leisure, daily routine, help long walks in the air when playing sports;
  • In time inflammatory diseases, especially, tonsillitis, otitis media, dental caries and other diseases;
  • Should stop of the professional activity, associated with constant trauma of the intercession, Neuro-psychological overload (in the majority of cases, an exacerbation of Stress) to provoke;
  • Decline of alcoholic drinks. In the case of alcoholics in a couple of times more often psoriasis register;
  • For the treatment of viral diseases;
  • To be excluded right to eat (from food products that trigger most allergies: chocolate, honey, nuts, and other).