Psoriasis: Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis

An important role in dealing with the symptoms of psoriasis, the well-chosen external therapy and timely treatment play. An important principle for the selection of the scheme of treatment, especially in the early stages of the development of Psoriasis, is the principle of "do no harm" treatment should not be an attack on the health of the skin, provoking the emergence of undesirable effects in the Form of atrophy of the skin or of the syndrome. Because the main goal of therapy is to prolong the periods of peace and the health of the skin, without the sudden and painful relapses and exacerbations.

Psoriasis Treatment

How long will the people know about the psoriasis?

With Psoriasis is known to mankind since many centuries. Traces of psoriatic skin lesions archaeologists on the mummified bodies of ancient people, up to our days intact. Description very similar to that of psoriasis skin rash can be seen in the works of Herodotus and Plato.

The first description of the clinical manifestations of Psoriasis belongs to the old scholar Cornelia. The term psoriasis – psoriasis comes from the Greek "psora" (itch, scab). This is the name that is in the works of Hippocrates.

However, the scientific study of Psoriasis is started as an independent disease, only in the early nineteenth century with the description of the clinical symptoms of the English physician Robert. In the year 1798, leprosy, mycoses, eczema, and then took from him, in his book "skin diseases" in the year 1808, identifies typical and atypical Psoriasis, and also pointed to the role of genetic factors in the development of dermatoses.

So, what is now known about the genetic basis of the disease? What is the influence of the external factors: Stress, environment, bad habits, diet?

The connection between Psoriasis and the nervous system is very complex, more like a vicious circle, and bears the character of a two-pole model. On the one hand, Stress and nervous Stress to an exacerbation of the process and on the other hand, the condition of the skin (the presence of psoriatic lesions) caused the patient anxiety, which leads to the development of chronic Stress, which worsens the course of the disease and a vicious circle.

Some drugs can in the treatment of other diseases, in some cases, the worsening of Psoriasis. Among them, the antibiotics (tetracycline, Penicillin, bicillin, chloramphenicol, etc.), drugs Lithium, Vitamin C and vitamins of the B group, Beta-blockers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, estrogenic agents (contraceptives), anti-convulsants, immuno-modulators. The exacerbation of the process, and vaccines, as well as Serum can.

Ecology, profile, diet, bad habits – all this has a negative impact both on the course of Psoriasis and the treatment.

How high is the prevalence of Psoriasis in the countries?

The prevalence of Psoriasis in the world is estimated to be 1-3% of the population. According to the international organization, in the year 2010 on the planet 125 million Psoriasis patients was registered. In Europe up to 5 million people, which is comparable with the incidence of coronary heart disease, and Diabetes mellitus.suffer

The highest values in the countries of Northern Europe (up 4%), the lowest in the African and Latin American countries, in Japan (less than 0.5%).

As of now psoriasis diagnosed? What diseases can be confused?


Psoriasis smooth skin shows a very typical skin rashes, and the diagnosis is clinical. There are diagnostic tests: Psoriasis-three-tone – reinforced shell with poskablivanii, the emergence of the blood cells points after the removal of the shed.

How to treat the psoriasis used to be, and how is it treated now? If the treatment more perfect and effective?

Until the middle of the last century, the basic techniques include the use of products with salicylic acid and Helio-, Thalasso-therapy. Then there were topical steroids (later — analogues of Vitamin D3), and systemic immunosuppressants. But the breakthrough in the therapy of Psoriasis can be considered as the emergence at the beginning of the 21 century, the biological preparations. And in any case, an Arsenal of topical and systemic drugs, methods of photo-therapy, now you can pick up an effective therapy for each patient.

What are the approaches for the treatment of children and adults?

Especially psoriasis have to be separated and for a certain amount of spread (severe and medium-severe forms). Therapy should be assigned in the light of these data.

The difference in the approaches for the treatment of adults and children, only due to the age-related limitations in the application of drugs (for example, calcipotriol assigned to the age of 6), or methods of phototherapy (e.g., PUVA therapy is 18 years of age).

What are the most common myths about the disease?

  • Psoriasis contagious. No, Psoriasis is a chronic, non-infectious skin disease that is not transmitted from person to person and will not walk with a body part to another. The Patient suffers from Psoriasis, can freely go to public places – baths, saunas, swimming pools, the use of common objects in everyday life, the treatment of diseases in the General hospitals.
  • The climate affects the incidence, and if the move in the warm countries of the psoriasis. No, the climate on the prevalence of Psoriasis is not compromised. At the same time, one of the methods of treatment, a specific treatment – treatment of the sun and the sea water, but the accommodation does not help in regions with a warm climate, patients of exacerbations. A simple example is used of Israel: there, with success psoriasis treat on the resorts of the dead sea, but the incidence in the population is lower than in the world.
  • Psoriasis can warn. The factors that are not an exacerbation, of the self, in various combinations, the cause of the disease. Today is unknown, which is the purpose of the original impetus for the development of Psoriasis, and therefore prevention is impossible. No recipes, what to do, or, on the contrary, what you should not do in order not to be sick Psoriasis, no. Increase the time of Remission, if the rashes is not on the skin, you can worsen by the avoidance of triggering actions or Psoriasis factors by applying the right way of life and supportive therapy.
  • Psoriasis can be treated with methods of the so-called folk medicine. Attitude to such methods in patients must be very careful. On the one hand, we know that it heal from the psoriasis the Mediterranean, but the desire at any price to get rid of the disease pushes the patients to various questionable things (appeal to the healer, quacks), and it is in vain spent money. On the other hand, these "healers" offer patients as, for example, external means "self-developments", which can be in the rule, it is the hormones, but in this case-mode, and more, your dosage is not controlled.

What is important to know patients with Psoriasis and what we have to bear in mind?

The most important can be considered the principle: "learn to live with Psoriasis". The current therapies do not allow to achieve a Remission (cleansing of the skin), but also to control to a certain extent psoriasis (persistent Remission).

Follow the recommendations of the doctor and patient because everything takes time, including, and on the fact that drugs had. Unfinished course, the advice to use several methods at the same time (in particular from the area) cause the Patient to see without the expected result, disappointed and do not believe that these methods help.