Effective method for the treatment of Psoriasis - medium-and-therapy

Psoriasis is one of the diseases very difficult to treat. Completely impossible to get rid of the disease. For quite a long time, scientists and doctors have made much of an effort to effective treatment of lesions on the body of the people, provoked Psoriasis. Today, there are allow for several techniques to free the patients from the unpleasant symptoms of the disease. Effective method for the treatment of Psoriasis drug or physiotherapeutic treatment are in compliance with certain events. Only a holistic approach and compliance with the rules of prevention will allow to reach the management of the pathology and long-term Remission.


What is psoriasis?

Among many other dermatoses, one of the most common Psoriasis is. In the practice of medicine this disease is called psoriasis. Pathology among the chronic diseases of the skin, which is a non-infectious origin.

Manifested zoster in the Form of red and pink spots on the surface of the skin to 1-2 mm. Characteristic of Psoriasis is the presence of the so-called dandruff may occur on the psoriatic Plaques. Remove the skin and coarsened. This process is due to excessive synthesis and cell division of the skin. In the case of sick people, the formation of new cells is ten times faster than in healthy.

The causes of the disease applies to the following factors:

  1. Genetic Predisposition.
  2. A Metabolic Disorder.
  3. Hormonal disorders of the body.
  4. The weakening of the immunity.
  5. Strong under-cooling, or, on the contrary, an excessive effect of UV-radiation.

Today, all the causes of the pathology are only an assumption. The character of the disease is so complex that just to find out what exactly the disease is not provoked to succeed. Treatment of the pathology is mainly in the elimination of symptoms, as well as the improvement of the General health of the patient.

Use of drugs

An effective treatment of Psoriasis can not do without the use of drugs. All of the drugs in medical practice, divided into several groups. These include:

Hormonal agents, or corticosteroids

Most of these medicines are in the Form of ointments and creams for external use. Medium with hormones in its composition have both advantages and disadvantages. To highlight the positive sides of a fast effect. Corticosteroids can significantly facilitate the condition of the patient already after a few applications.

Usually hormonal preparations prescribed to patients with severe and progressive Form of psoriasis. In mild forms of the disease, such means are not shown, cause the effect of addiction and many side effects.

The disadvantages of corticosteroids include the effect of the drug and various side effects. Complications can be as follows:

Remedy for psoriasis
  • the emergence of edema;
  • the increase in body weight of the patient;
  • Increase in blood sugar levels;
  • Improvement of indicators of arterial pressure;
  • nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Disorders of the Central nervous system.

Using hormonal drugs should only friction on medical prescription. The wrong dose or late cancellation the drug can cause a variety of negative effects.

Vitamin therapy

In modern medicine the treatment of Psoriasis is not complete without the use of vitamins. In the development of the pathology of the patient is water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins are administered. To soluble of fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. the water, folic acid, ascorbic acid, and vitamins of group B. Also Psoriasis include therapy often involves the use of Vitamin D.

Effective treatments for psoriasis without the use of drugs help restore the normal robot natural protection of the people. All the drugs in this group are on immunosuppressive agents (suppressors of immunity), and adjuvants (to increase immunity). Under the medicines the natural defenses of the body often, methotrexate prescribe. The drug has a strong and certain action, which is often used in severe forms of the flow of the pathology.

In Psoriasis medication of this group is to normalise the natural protective functions of the body, the metabolism and promote the Regeneration of damaged areas of the Dermis.


The most effective treatment of psoriasis is now considered the use of various methods of physiotherapy. Objectives of this technique as the elimination of the manifestations of the pathology on the patient's skin and the improvement of the General health of the patient.

PUVA therapy

Today, PUVA therapy is considered to be one of the most effective methods. This type of treatment is radiation with the help of special devices, emitting artificial UV. During the session, in the human skin's natural production of Vitamin D3 is activated. This promotes healing of the damaged areas of the Dermis and liberation of psoriatic Plaques.

Prescribe a course of treatment and the number of sessions, the doctor should. Usually this type of treatment is done in a hospital. With the use of PUVA to the number of UV-wavelengths and the duration of the session are met.

The use of cold

Tablets for psoriasis

Becoming more and more popular today, cryotherapy is gaining psoriasis. This method includes an effective treatment of diseases with the help of the cold. The effect of the method is based on creating a stress situation for the body with cold, when the spasm of the blood vessels and capillaries. This achieves the following results:

  1. The elimination of a painful syndrome.
  2. The decrease in the inflammation.
  3. The structure of the trophic tissue.
  4. Normalizes the psychosomatic condition of the patient.

The method consists in the local effect on the psoriatic lesions, in which the affected areas of the body, a specialist directs a jet of liquid nitrogen. This type of exposure has a positive effect and contributes to the rapid recovery of damaged tissue.

The number of sessions is determined by the expert. It depends on the type of pathology and the patient's condition.

Psoriasis treatment a special Laser

Data is called a Gas Laser with UV-radiation. With the help of special equipment direct can provide the light beam on the affected skin. This reduces the growth of psoriatic lesions and inflammation.

The advantage of this type of therapy, the immediate effect is not just on the affected areas of the Dermis, where the healthy skin touched. Excimer Laser allows the use of a specific wavelength range, different from the conventional UV-radiation. After a few treatments, laser therapy can be a significant improvement in the condition of the skin of the patient notice.

The non-traditional methods of treatment of Psoriasis

In addition to the methods of drug treatment and physiotherapy to the present day very popular unconventional ways of liberation from the pathology. These include:

  1. The use of blue clay. This product of nature has an effective effect in many diseases. The sound copes with inflammation, blood circulation, eliminate the swelling and redness of the dermis. For the treatment is sufficient to warm up the sound and apply as a mask on the affected areas of the body. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
  2. Pretty good results for the use of the medicinal mud of Saki lake. The application of mud helps to establish blood flow, establish trophism of the Dermis, decrease inflammation to establish the process, as well as the metabolic processes of the skin. During application of dirt into the skin with a variety of useful components. This leads to an improved state of tissue and wound healing.
  3. Very well in case of Psoriasis medication of tar. Tar ointments to promote rapid healing of Plaques. For this purpose tar can be used in pure Form, and add it to various products. One of the most popular recipes is an ointment made of birch tar and Propolis. To do this, you have to 100 G of the products and put on a water bath. After the ointment on the tile to be 20-30 minutes.

Sorry, there are no means today to be a once and for all to heal Psoriasis. However, there are treatment methods to allow it to quickly and effectively relieve the symptoms of the pathology, and to achieve long-term Remission in patients.