Psoriasis: causes, types and treatments

Psoriasis - a non-infectious skin disease, which form words, resulting in a scaly red patches covered with silvery scales itchy. Usually psoriasis develops in young people of 20 to 30 years. Disease is not a threat to human life, however, it causes severe suffering, mental nature, to the social Isolation.


Causes of the disease

The causes of psoriasis not fully identified. There are some factors to associate with the pathogenesis of psoriasis. However, even these factors will not be able to cause Psoriasis, only in conjunction with each other, you can serve an impetus for the development of this disease:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the reduction of the protective properties of the organism;
  • Psycho-emotional disorders;
  • Pathology of the endocrine system.

It is assumed that Psoriasis can be a result of the imbalance in the working of the immune system. In the skin a large number of T-lymphocytes accumulate, leading to chronic inflammation in the affected areas. The histological examination of psoriatic Material confirmed the presence of high concentrations of immune cells to the affected areas, can you confirm that immunological factor in the development of Psoriasis.

The genetic predisposition to Psoriasis confirmed the presence of mutations in a number of areas of the DNA. These areas are responsible for the development of immune cells-T-lymphocytes. Break can trigger such phases, the development of Psoriasis. So, if the parents suffer from Psoriasis, the risk of developing this disease in a child is 50% and even higher. The scientists also the development of the Psoriasis, already in adult humans with mutations of specific genes.

The reason for the development of Psoriasis can be stressful, which leads to an exacerbation of the symptoms. The Psycho-emotional disorder of initiating the release of hormones in the blood, which leads to a series of biochemical reactions which in turn promote the occurrence of various lesions on the skin.

The research of the etiology of Psoriasis revealed that in many patients, there are violations on the part of the endocrine and reproductive Systems, in addition, the disorder of the formation of pigment spots act.

You can also additional factors contributing to the development of Psoriasis: ecology, injury, unbalanced diet, poor living conditions, violations of the principles of Hygiene.

You can say that Psoriasis is a hereditary specific disease,: in its development the whole complex of the above-mentioned reasons involved.

The symptoms of the disease and its manifestations

Psoriasis has some common specific symptoms that allow it to accurately diagnose the disease. In the case of psoriasis three characteristic States develop:

  • "Paraffin" spots when scraping with the finger nail, peel, and in its consistency similar to wax, and stearic;
  • red glossy surface, which is formed, after the separation of scales and Plaques. In General, as an End-wrap;
  • a very characteristic feature of Psoriasis a Symptom of "bloody dew". If all of the RUB dandruff and flakes on the surface of the skin bloody little points of dew-drops similar.

Most often, psoriatic lesions are caves in the area of the Flexion of the large joints, in the armpit, scalp, groin area, under the mammary glands, on the nails. The disease begins with the appearance of the little itchy symmetrical rash, then merge them into a large conglomerate, with large areas of the skin. The itching is tolerable, and the separation of the scales caused the emergence of "bloody dew".

the causes of psoriasis

Diagnosis of Psoriasis causes a certain degree of complexity, as there are many types of this disease. Psoriasis has the following Form:

  • vulgar (common psoriasis);
  • Psoriasis with Plaques;
  • Pustular Psoriasis;
  • Psoriasis flexor surfaces;
  • Point Psoriasis or in the Form of drops.

Each type of Psoriasis has its own Code in the international qualification of diseases (ICD-10). Any type of disease has its signs, symptoms and causes.

Psoriasis Treatment

The treatment of psoriasis poses a great difficulty because the disease has a chronic course with intermittent remissions. However, in our time can significantly improve the patient's condition by the reduction of clinical symptoms. The treatment of psoriasis is a comprehensive application of the General drug therapy, local drug therapy, the application of the physiotherapeutic methods and immune modulators.

In the first line topical preparations for external use. The composition of such preparations are included materials:

  1. Glucocorticosteroid hormones, to prevent the are able to that the active cell division of the skin, and reduce the inflammation, the itching and the suppression of the immune system.
  2. Preparations with a basis of Vitamin D, the effectiveness of which is manifested in combination with UV-irradiation.
  3. Drugs with activated zinc, which quickly eliminates itching and hyperemia of the skin.

For the systemic (General) treatment of Psoriasis uses:

  1. Corticosteroids, which regulate inflammation and relieve the symptoms of metabolism.
  2. Cytotoxic drugs prevent the uncontrolled division of cells.
  3. Immune modulators, dysfunction eliminate, in the work of the immune system.
  4. Non-steroidal drugs, to eliminate only the symptoms: signs of inflammation and itching, without the causes of the disease.

Physio therapeutic treatment includes a series of procedures:

  1. PUVA-therapy. This method consists in the use of the photo-active chemical substance, which is used, together with long-wave UV radiation.
  2. Leech therapy. The use of leeches for the treatment of Psoriasis, to improve the outflow of blood.
  3. Cryotherapy. The method consists in the covering of the patient for a few minutes in the chamber with very low temperatures. This method helps to effectively eliminate expression of inflammation, and significantly itching reduce.

The treatment of Psoriasis with traditional methods sometimes gives good results. Before you dermatologist of the treatment is absolutely necessary consultation of the doctor. The physician must be aware of to support the methods of their treatment and complete.

Complication and prevention of Psoriasis

Complications of Psoriasis manifested severe diseases, to treat very severe: psoriatic Arthritis, pustular Psoriasis and psoriatic erythroderma. Prevention of diseases includes strengthening measures:

Psoriasis Treatment
  • Spa Therapy;
  • a well-balanced diet;
  • healthy sleep;
  • the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection;
  • the compliance to the hygiene standards;
  • moderate sports.