author Rani



  • Classification of psoriasis, 3 stages of the disease, causes of occurrence and exacerbation. Is It Possible To Cure Psoriasis? Existing techniques that will allow you to defeat the advanced form of the disease.
    24 October 2021
  • How it manifests and how to recognize the initial stages of psoriasis. Methods of treatment for the disease.
    17 September 2020
  • Psoriasis belongs to the group of complex diseases. The nature of this disease is not yet fully understood.
    5 October 2018
  • Psoriasis (psoriasis) in today's world has a massive Problem of humanity. Psoriasis in Russia, the percentage ranges from 0.72% to 11.8%. What are the causes of Psoriasis, how to treat and what can I do?
    22 August 2018
  • Psoriasis – a chronic disease has a wave-shaped course. The treatment is directed to his home, to remove the acute symptoms of excessive acne manifests on the skin, severe itching, and the General deterioration of the health condition.
    29 July 2018